

Well, kids. Minutes are ticking non-stop and soon I will be moving out of my bachelorette pad into my marital lair. So here I am, with approximately 2.5 weeks to go if I am to be out of my bachelorette pad by the end of this month. I honestly don’t see it happening because there is so damn much to do.
It doesn’t seem that there will be enough days, let alone waking hours to do all of the stuff I have to do before said countdown is over. Seriously doubt I’ll make it by the end of the month, but that’s no big deal. I can pay the rent for one more month and take my time.
So, I'm having a complete meltdown trying to get the black trim in my bedroom covered back up with antique white. What kind of brain fart did I have when I decided to paint my bedroom walls pink with black trim all around?? Honestly, I think I could have found a better way to express my female creativity. But no, I had to have my bedroom look like a Pink Lady jacket. Even though I’m bitching about it now, it was really, really cute. I had pink sheets and black comforter and curtains. My lil girlie space that I shared with NO MAN…. well, at least until I met Tony.